Pursuing what is meaningful, not what is expedient

A few fun facts about me. I am an international student with a Vietnamese nationality, however I grew up my whole life in Ukraine. My parents were small business owners and at that time have set a goal to teach me the importance of financial literacy, hardwork and determination. I was also an avid gamer(still am) and was fascinated by technology that I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by. It made me curious about how programs and applications are made,how do their hidden mechanisms operate, but also how can technology like this be used to improve people's daily lives and society overall.

Mentored by my industrious business-oriented parents, I also have an inquisitive mind, fascinated by technology and its evolving potential, so it's no surprise that as I started my journey into college I was gaining more interest in pursuing a profession that would require close involvement with both business and technology. Hence, business analysis.

I have passion for numbers and ways to deconstruct them into actionable information to find patterns and trends. I also love to talk to professionals in my field, getting as much knowledge and wisdom from them as possible. Just in a span of a month I have already talked to 6 different experts in the Finance and Tech industries varying from financial controllers to business analysts, and it has been an extremely pleasurable experience - learning from more experienced professionals in face-to-face conversations is something I am confident will propel me towards my goals.